Thursday, March 15, 2007


Mini O'Reilly's

Mini Seafood Market

I’ve been in a creative buzz this week (and my poor blog is suffering). Not surprisingly, our move to Bangkok has given me lots of inspiration. (And it probably doesn’t hurt that I don’t have a job to go to everyday that uses a lot of it up) I’ve been working on my photography, and lately I’ve been obsessed with doing this which makes your photos look like they are little models. I joked with D that I spend my time trying to make digital models look like the real world, and making the real world look like little models. Maybe I’ve watched the Wallace & Gromit movie one too many times…

I’ve also been cruising a lot of artists & illustrators websites, with some new finds (thanks Big Bun!) and some forgotten favorites. I’ve been drawing more lately. It’s nice to get away from the computer a bit. I’ve been working on a new style, and created a new world called “Verde City” inspired by the Bangkok skywalks, my love of signs and 50’s furniture, and the little environmentalist in me. Here’s what I’ve done so far.

Welcome to Verde City

The Great Shave Ice Mishap
(click on picture to see them bigger)

I hit up the art store yesterday to try some new stuff (watercolors!), so more will be forthcoming!

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